Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2016

How to wear silk: 8 Style Panel tips, pit stains not included

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Thanks to its light, airy and breathable nature, silk is one of summer’s definitive go-tos. Especially with this season’s array of crop tops, off-the-shoulder ruffles and flowing midi skirts, the fabric is more popular than ever. And when hot summer days call for stylish wear while keeping us cool, incorporating silk into your outfit is a no brainer. However, while it may be the ideal fabric to wear during the warm season, it’s no easy feat to master the skill in silk dressing without a) looking like you’re ready to hit the sack, b) avoid its static-cling properties and c) leave traces of sweat in unflattering places. But before you swear it off completely, this week Style Panel is helping us take the guesswork out of styling this summer favourite. You know, just in case you can’t figure out how to wear silk without showing your pit stains to the world.
Whether they are dressing it up with heels or dressing it down with Birks, the ladies of Style Panel agree that silk makes for an ideal addition to any summer look. Our newest member Eleni McMullin ofConvey The Moment sees the true versatility of the fabric, noting how she loves to dress her floral faux silk pants up for the night and down for the day. Loving silk for its easy-breezy ways, With A City Dream‘sEmma Walker and Velvet & Vino‘s Becky Kung both show how a silk jumpsuit can easily up the glam factor for a night out. And if you think teaming a jacket in the summer raises eyebrows, think again. Melanie Morais of Born Lippy proves that wearing a jacket in the summer (especially for those cool nights) is totally doable when its silk and breathe-easy.

What’s in your bike basket, Lorenzo Martone?

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Photography by Hannah Sider

See Lorenzo Martone’s bike basket »

Move over 2.55, the new It accessory is the designer bike. EnterMartone Cycling Co., a collection of super sleek, fashion-driven bikes and accoutrements popping up outside The Room at Hudson’s Bay in Toronto through August 10. Vibrantly-hued, made of steel alloy and aluminum, and with with pretty much all the bells and whistles you could imagine, the bikes are pretty much up there with Chanel snowboards on our “sporty things to covet” wish lists. For this special edition of “What’s in your Bag,” we caught up with the brand’s babely founder, Lorenzo Martone, for a tour of his studio and to see what he carries with him while riding the streets of NYC.

Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 1, 2016

Breaking News From the New York Times: Men and Women Can be Friends!

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The next time your mom is all in your face like, "You should marry [your best platonic male friend]! You know you're perfect for each other," you have a respectable source to cite from to shut her up. (Love you, Mom.)

"LOLOLOL IT IS SOOOO FUNNY that we're not having sex."

An essayist and critic named William Deresiewicz has taken the When Harry Met Sally question to a whole new level in an article from the New York Times on Saturday: Can women and men be friends without sex getting in the way? Yup, a question older than we are, but it's not as old as we think. Men and women didn't really fraternize socially until feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft came and changed things up in 1792, says Deresiewicz. (Fun fact: Wollstonecraft's daughter Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein.)
Citing historical background, pop culture and personal experience, Deresiewicz suggests that there are far more platonic mixed-gender friends in life than there are on screen, and our culture continues to sexualize it unnecessarily:

"So if it’s common now for men and women to be friends, why do we so rarely see it in popular culture? Partly, it’s a narrative problem. Friendship isn’t courtship. It doesn’t have a beginning, a middle and an end. Stories about friendships of any kind are relatively rare, especially given what a huge place these relationships have in our lives. And of course, they’re not sexy. Put a man and a woman together in a movie or a novel, and we expect the sparks to fly. Yet it isn’t just a narrative problem, or a Hollywood problem.

We have trouble, in our culture, with any love that isn’t based on sex or blood. We understand romantic relationships, and we understand family, and that’s about all we seem to understand."

For the most part, it's dead-on, but this notion gave me pause (and I'm not sure it's Deresiewicz's point as much as it's Harry's point); maybe the best way to overcome any sexual tension between otherwise-platonic pals is to havesex first and be friends later, a la Seinfeld's Jerry and Elaine. Mm, I dunno about that. I think that may just complicate the friendship, considering sex often happens between friends when Party A really wants it and Party B is too lazy to say no.

The Vaginal Orgasm: A Scientific Debate and Some Really Good Advice About Trying to Have One

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Orgasms, am I right? OK, I don’t even know what that means, but the point is they can be a complicated and tricky business. And that’s not just your old college boyfriend’s lame excuse. It’s science.

Much like the science of orgasms, this picture does not make much sense.

In fact, scientists just can’t seem to stop talking about them. Specifically, the debate over vaginal versus clitoral orgasms. Are they different? Is one better than the other? Do vaginal orgasms even exist? Which kind was Meg Ryan faking in Katz’s deli? According to Live Science, scientists are newly laying out the evidence that the two main types of orgasms (yes, there are other types-like coregasms!) are actually separate phenomena. Here are some key points in the ongoing argument: