Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 1, 2016

The Vaginal Orgasm: A Scientific Debate and Some Really Good Advice About Trying to Have One

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Orgasms, am I right? OK, I don’t even know what that means, but the point is they can be a complicated and tricky business. And that’s not just your old college boyfriend’s lame excuse. It’s science.

Much like the science of orgasms, this picture does not make much sense.

In fact, scientists just can’t seem to stop talking about them. Specifically, the debate over vaginal versus clitoral orgasms. Are they different? Is one better than the other? Do vaginal orgasms even exist? Which kind was Meg Ryan faking in Katz’s deli? According to Live Science, scientists are newly laying out the evidence that the two main types of orgasms (yes, there are other types-like coregasms!) are actually separate phenomena. Here are some key points in the ongoing argument:

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